No matter how much we deny our weaknesses, we are invariably thirsty for self-improvement. It is never challenging to adopt general principles that apply to lots of areas of life, if we take out a consistent amount of time, and a wee bit of attention for ourselves in the following areas:
1. Be Responsible
Inevitably, we are exposed to so many societal systems when we are young. Our mental and physical growth’s graph is on “gaining” side automatically. But, in the late 20s for the most, this societal training stops, and we have to take responsibility for our own well-being, and improvement, or we will just be idle or even become worse, mentally and physically. Jot down the improvement traits that you want to induce in
yourself. Figure out whatever your goals are and what makes you happy.
2. Working hard Vs. Working Smart
Understand the synergy of how modification of pocket size habits can result in bigger changes. Try to figure out the weightage of certain improvement, and compare it to the toil you need to get to it. Figure out for yourself what small changes could bring the biggest effects. Things like cleaning your diet, or quit smoking can create an enormous effect.
3. Assessing yourself and Setting goals
How would you measure your Self-improvement, if you never realized where you stand? Self-assessment is the key to self-improvement. Effective people mostly set goals, and remind themselves of them regularly. Furthermore, they keep on comparing their current status with their goal, which enables them to estimate the improvement cycle, current status and to-do list for the future. Write down around 5 goals on a small piece of paper, and keep them at a place where you can look at it daily. Or alternatively, jot them down on your phone for daily, and frequent viewing.
4. Giving you the deadlines.
We are pretty dominated by our habits, routines and lifestyle. It can be laborious, to let go of a habit, or create a new one. Therefore, initiating an improvement by dropping a bad habit is not the challenge; consistency is. So just live in a day-tight compartment, by telling yourself daily, to stay away from it till that day. If you merely keep focus on the future, and think to quit it tomorrow, and living in the fallacy that you have A LOT OF TIME; that tomorrow isn’t coming any sooner than your funeral.
5. Understand the one-more-rep theory.
Whatever your job or role is, rendering more than what is expected of you, can result into greater improvement. The trick is not to become too exhausted from your expected work, relax yourself mentally, and leave enough energy to push your stamina to work a little bit more. Let go of your self-pity, and stop accepting mentally, that you are weak, or the work expected from you is too much. Always think about people working ten times more than you, to get twenty times lesser outcomes, and are still surviving.